Mitigating the impact of noise at cogeneration plants

To the uninitiated, cogeneration plants (also known as combined heat and power plants or CHPs) may sound mysterious. But essentially they’re facilities that produce electricity and usable heat simultaneously.

They are designed to be more efficient than traditional power plants, as they capture the heat normally wasted during electricity generation and put it to good use.

And that’s good news, given our need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to combat climate change. By using energy more efficiently, we can cut our reliance on fossil fuels, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

But even though CHPs are super-efficient, as with any power plant, there’s some noisy machinery involved. Let’s take a look at some of it, and how Wiltech Acoustics’ noise control solutions can help …


Where does noise at cogeneration plants come from?

One of the main sources is the equipment used to generate electricity, such as gas turbines and engines. These machines can produce high levels of sound due to their size and the mechanical processes involved in generating power. Pumps, fans, and compressors, which are used to circulate heat and coolant throughout the plant, also contribute to the overall noise.

What measures can be taken to reduce its impact?

There are plenty of ways to mitigate the noise, protecting the health and safety of plant workers and reducing the impact on local residents.

One solution is the use of noise enclosures, which can contain and absorb noise output. These enclosures are custom designed and engineered to suit specific engine or turbine models, addressing specific frequency requirements. This will usually include the provision of anti-vibration mounts to help manage structural vibration.

Other noise control techniques include the use of attenuator silencers on equipment, which can help reduce the noise emitted by exhaust systems and the ventilation inlet and outlet.

Externally, noise barriers or screens protect the external environment, shielding nearby communities from the noise. All these elements are usually packaged together for a turnkey solution, especially where a CHP plant is providing energy to a large power consumer in sensitive areas such as a hospital, university, airport etc.

But it’s not just about physical solutions – plant operators can also make operational changes to minimise noise. This could include scheduling maintenance and repairs during non-peak hours, or modifying the way certain equipment is used to reduce noise levels.



Overall, cogeneration plants can be a significant source of noise, but there are a variety of measures that can be taken to mitigate this noise and protect the surrounding community. By implementing noise control barriers, acoustic enclosures, silencers, and other noise control solutions, as well as making operational changes, plant operators can help to minimize the impact of noise on the environment.


If you’re looking for noise control solutions for manufacturing, industrial equipment, power generation or power distribution, contact our specialist team to find out how we can help.

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