Exhaust Silencers
Quite often when thinking about power generation and the noise it creates, the engine is the first source that jumps to mind- however equally as important, is the exhaust. Whether via a diesel or gas engine genset, the treatment of the exhaust gases and noise it creates is integral to any noise solution package.
The sound from the exhausts can reach high decibel levels and travel a fair distance. Installing exhaust silencers will help protect employees from excessive plant noise and comply with statutory regulations.
At Wiltech Acoustics we specialise in fitting exhaust silencers and offer two principles of design specification: a reactive and an absorptive silencer:
Reactive – reflecting and interfering with the transition of sound waves through the silencer
Absorptive – affects broadband noise by using an absorptive acoustic infill design and provides a low pressure drop
We customer design the silencers for a wide range of applications, across reciprocating engines and other noise sources. Whether a cylindrical or box shape is required, or placement is vertical or horizontal, the team can work with you to ensure your specific needs are met. We have supplied exhaust silencers systems to a wide range of power and process sectors, which includes:
- Diesel Reciprocating Engines
- CHP Plants
- Fossil Fuel Power Plants
- Gas Reciprocating Engines
- Waste to Energy
- Marine
- Industrial
- Oil and Gas
- Cival & Military
- UPS Installations
Contact us to today if you want to find out more!